
People & Networks

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Cooperation and multidisciplinarity are important keywords for the IZMF. Digital Humanities bring together scientists, include relevant resources and research projects, and are in constant exchange with the responsible research institutions and initiatives on research data management and infrastructures.

With this in mind, we would like to highlight functions, cooperations and institutional networks of persons and projects participating in the DH focus.

People in alphabetical order

Univ.Prof. MMag Dr. ANTENHOFER, Christina
  • Contact
  • Functions: Research assistant at MHDBDB, Senior Scientist at the Department of German Studies, member of the development team of dhPLUS (DH repository of Univ. Salzburg)
  • DH institutions and networks: Member of the Competence Network Digital Edition (KONDE), member of the expired project group eHumanities-Center for Historical Lexicography (ZHistLex, 2016-2019), former employee at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH, 2014-2017)
  • DH-Projects: Middle High German Term Database (MHDBDB), Ontology of the Narratives of the Middle Ages (ONAMA, Go!digital funding programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
  • DH-Teaching: PS “Digital Literature of the Middle Ages” (WS20), PS “Digital Humanities and the Written Tradition in Premodernism” (SS21)
  • DH-Events: Organisation of digital humanities austria conference 2018 – empowering researchers (dha2018)
  • DH Core Competencies: Graph Technologies, XML Technologies, Digital Editions, Computer Linguistics, Web Frameworks, Relational Databases, Object-Oriented Programming
  • Research activities: Link
Mag. Dr. MATSCHINEGG, Ingrid
  • Contact
  • Functions: Coordinator of the MHDBDB, Senior Scientist at the Department of German Studies, representative of the University of Salzburg at the infrastructure consortium CLARIAH-AT, coordinator of the project ONAMA, coordinator of the AG DH at the IZMF, member of the development team of dhPLUS (DH repository of Univ. Salzburg)
  • DH-Institutions and Networks: Member of Digital Humanities Austria (DHA), Member of the Steering Board of CLARIAH-AT, Member of the Competence Network Digital Edition (KONDE)
  • DH-Projects: Middle High German Conceptual Database (MHDBDB), Ontology of the Narratives of the Middle Ages (ONAMA, Funding Program Go!digital of the Austrian Academy of Sciences), Head of the project CLARIAH-AT-funded assistant for dhPLUS (funded by CLARIAH-AT)
  • DH-Lehre: ditact_womens IT summer studies 2020: Introductory course “Doing Digital Humanities
  • DH Events: Member of the Programme Committee of the digital humanities austria conference 2020>21 – The Art of digital humanities (DHA2020, postponed until 2021 due to the Covid-19 crisis, virtual alternative offer: DHA go!’s digital Day), organisation of the digital humanities austria conference 2018 – empowering researchers (dha2018), organisation of the workshop How To Transkribus
  • DH Core Competencies: Semantic Text Annotation (TEI and Stand-off Markup, Ontologies), Linked Open Data Strategies
  • Research activities: Link